Frustration is Just A Gap; Fulfill It  In 3 Ways


Last Updated: August 8, 2022

Frustration is Just A Gap; Fulfill It  In 3 Ways

I cannot pretend to know exactly how you feel right now, but it’s certain you seek a break from all the troubles. Life can be very brutal that, at times, you only consider how to end it. However,  frustration is not a big deal if you truly understand it as it is. This is not to say the consequences are mild. If you feel frustrated, then there is a simple miscalculation somewhere.

No matter how people try to define the term, frustration will only have one key principle. It is just a gap between your actual situation and the expected one. In other words, it is the difference between what you want to do and what you really do. The wider the gap, the more frustrated you become. You now get the reason why no one gets frustrated when things are going well. How do you then overcome your frustration?

This is the best time to put your maths skills to good use. From our definition, frustration equals the expectation minus reality. To overcome this, there must be little or no gap between the two parameters. If your expectancy is within reach, you can easily match it without difficulty. However, if you expect way about your strength, the gap is created until you go the extra mile. Either you lift what you do to meet what you want or you have to lower expectations. The two must near each other, or ideally be equal, so you can prevent the dissatisfaction.

How To Prevent and Manage Frustration

You can be frustrated in your studies, business or relationship. Lucky for you, there are no differences whether it happens in this or that aspect of life. Here are some of the ways to deal with it.

Have a solid plan

There is a different between a “plan” and a “solid plan”. You can literally guess that, but not many people can differentiate them in practice. Planning is the process of deciding what you want to achieve and how to get there. 

A “plan” follows the surface meaning of the above definition. It merely details your expectations and the efforts required, i.e, you set points for the major steps you need to take in order to achieve your desired results. In there, you still leave a lot of factors to nature. Even though you want to achieve the expectations, you don’t really know the specific efforts to get there. 

For instance, when you plan to study your course by the chapters. In this case, your plan is interested only in completing those milestones and cares less about how you achieve those targets.

To have a “solid plan” is to controls as many factors as possible towards achieving the expectations. You know what to expect at any point in time, the effort to match each stage, what could go wrong, and have contingencies in place. Here, you rather choose the future than accept what happens.

Using the previous example as a case study, the difference in this scenario will be you planning how you can learn the topics in each chapter, what to do if you cannot understand it, how many times to stay on each topic, etc. You can clearly see how you try to take absolute control of how you get the results.

Read More About A Solid Plan

Be Very Discipline 

Implementation is as important to goals achievement as planning. You might have seen how beautiful designs end up with a huge difference on paper and in reality. That should tell you a plan alone cannot guarantee you your expectation and, therefore, an escape from frustration.

Follow the plan if you diligently drew it up. Most people tend to deviate with the little scare simply because the plan was a solid one; they never expected the shortcomings. 

Anytime you realize you are far behind the plan schedule, you get more frustrated. This is why discipline is a virtue you need in order to manage frustration. It helps you follow the plan closely and ensure everything is on course. 

Be Persistent and Consistent

One common thing about these traits are that they give you hope, leaving little room for frustration. Once the expectations are set, it’s the persistence that will get you there and the consistency that will keep you there.

It is obvious there is no smooth ride to any dream. There will be tough moments along the time, including doing everything right without any improving result. You don’t need to back down. Just keep going and stick to doing the right things. Eventually, frustration won’t last long as the positives will come and the results will be as expected.

You can also read on motivation


You are frustrated because the expected does not tally with the current situation. That gap is the cause and must be filled to take away the frustration. Since you cannot afford to lower expectations, which isn’t even easy, you need to get a solid plan, stick to it, and be persistent and consistent.