Knust Electrical Engineering Courses: Daring The Semester [2023]


Last Updated: January 24, 2023

Knust Electrical Engineering Courses: Daring The Semester [2023]

You may have googled “Knust Electrical Engineering” or “Knust Electrical Engineering courses”. Whichever way, what matters is that you are here now. Welcome and I’m very glad you found me.

You might be wondering what, at all, do I have to offer. To answer that, allow me to tell you a little about myself.

I am just a writing whose primary objective is to provide you with Knust electrical engineering course outline. However, I ain’t a mere listicle because I believe additional information attached goes a long way to help the student lay the correct foundation and form the right mindset towards the courses. Therefore, I give the courses for each semester per year, a quick overview and some topics to look forward to during the period.

Let’s put your foot right in the game. For the sake of urgency, I’ll serve you the menu so you can make your pick.

Knust electrical engineering

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On any normal day, I should be explaining what electrical engineering is all about over here. However, I have a sister who has already done that. What I’ve to do now is to refer you there for a nice treat. You are good?

It also contains links to most of the course materials

I’m not in a hurry to go anywhere, so go for it. After that, you’ll be in the right frame to continue with me here.

Department’s Official Webpage



Your first year in Knust Electrical Engineering is very important because it  sets up the stage for the entire 4 years. A bad attempt at this point means you will be chasing your grades for the next three years. I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen.

First Semester

Applied Electricity (EE 151)

By simple inference, the course hinges on “applying the electricity” concepts. I know you have learnt about electric charges and electricity in physics. That was purely the science involved. With this course, you’ll be introduced to the fundamental principles used in analyzing the electric and magnetic circuits. Since circuits are the basics of Electrical engineering, Applied Electricity gives you the proper orientation and transition from the theoretical perspective you knew to the practical approach the career requires.

This is why the things you’ll study under this course include

  • Basic Elements of Electric Circuits
  • Circuit Laws and Network Theorems
  • Alternating Current Circuits 
  • Three-Phase Circuits
  • Magnetic Circuits

Technical Drawing (ME 159)

From where I stand, this particular course is designed to show you the processes and ideas that go into engineering drawings. Because you do these designs manually, you condition yourself to understand the underlying factors.

Technical drawing is said to be act of graphically representing objects. With this, imagine the essence it has in engineering. It allows engineers to visualize both actual and virtual solutions, especially physical products.

Its importance lies in the transition to the automated version (using CADs) where the core processes and principles work in the background. Once you know how and why the things happen, you can likewise know what to do and not to do if a different result is needed.

I know you will be studying how to

  • use technical drawing instruments 
  • employ technical construction techniques 
  • construct loci for various conditions and constraints 
  • perform freehand sketching 
  • make technical projections, like isometric, orthographic and perspective, of objects.

You may also be interested in this EE 101: Brilliant On The Basics of Electrical Engineering

Mathematics I – Algebra (MATH 151)

I think this one will be complicated and worse depending on the assigned lecturer. The course literally retraces to whatever algebra you learnt in high school and delve deeper, making sure you treat it with a hardcore perspective and not the massaging view shs gave you. 

Since it’ll be your first maths class in uni, the rinsing and eye opening will be much. The topics would be treated how their discoverer perceived them. My best tip is be ready to unlearn and learn. 

The topics include

  • Introduction to Number Theory
  • Vector Algebra 
  • Matrix Algebra
  • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Engineering Technology (EE 153)

This particular course aims to equip you with the general “perceptive” skill of an electrical engineer – wiring. You get to know more about the codes in that industry as well as the considerations that go into every choice during the activity.

The topics likely to be discussed are

  • Electrical wiring accessories 
  • Cables and cable ratings 
  • Wiring circuits 
  • Distribution boards/ consumer control units/ control panels 
  • Lighting systems
  • Power protection devices 
  • Electrical safety standards regulatory bodies

Communication Skills 1 (ENGL 157)

Learning to communicate, irrespective of your career choice, will always be an advantage. Comm. Skills will teach you about the tips and tricks you’ll need to upgrade that aspect of yourself. If taken serious, the course will change your communication for the better.

Environmental Studies (CE 155)

You know that one course you don’t necessarily need it to survive your field, but it is added to train your “humanly” self. Yeah! This is a typical example.

Environmental Science or Studies will teach you certain things about your surroundings you would have otherwise ignored. That’s basically the course.

Basic Mechanics (ME 161)

Basic Mechanics is one of the elementary courses taken by all engineering students. The reason is because if the engineer’s job is to design and build a practical solution out of the theories, then it is necessary the awareness of forces, moments and interactions which can affect the physical stability of the developed system.

Some of the topics will be 

  • Newton’s Laws of motion
  • Forces and Moments, concentrating on their vector representation.
  • Structural analysis 
  • Simple machines 
  • Basic dynamics of particles and rigid bodies

Second Semester

I’m happy you’ve made it to this semester. Let’s continue what we started and smoothen your Knust electrical engineering journey.

Mathematics II – Calculus (MATH 152)

At the university, things never get easier. The mathematics are advanced and you’ll need to psyche yourself that way. I wouldn’t know how to make it any better, so allow me to just list the topics and oh before I forget, the course is about calculus.

  • The Real number system 
  • Point Sets
  • Sequences
  • Functions
  • Limits
  • Continuity and Differentiation
  • Rolle’s Theorem And The Mean-Value Theorems
  • Integration
  • Co-ordinate Geometry 

Electrical Engineering Drawing (EE 156)

In the first semester, you were introduced to technical drawing which is the general form. To advance further, your concentration will now be focused on drawings concerned with electrical engineering. 

This course trains you to provide a concise picture which depicts the objectives of the given electrical project. You’ll learn about 

  • symbols used in electrical drawings.
  • some control devices used to automate electrical processes 
  • how to design and interpret schematic and electrical diagrams
  • the types of circuit connections used in wiring.

Basic Electronics (EE 152)

If you clearly noticed, the programme is Electrical/Electronic Engineering. However, the first semester was spend giving you a proper orientation on the electrical side. This course will be the first on electronics and, hence, an introductory one. 

Electronics is the branch of physics which concerns with the behavior and movement of electrons, especially in semiconductors. You’ll be guided through topics like

  • Introduction to Electronics and its Applications
  •  Semiconductor Materials and Properties
  • Semiconductor Diodes
  • Semiconductor Diodes and Applications
  • Bipolar Junction Transistor
  • Transistor as an Amplifier
  • Operational Amplifier
  • Switching Theory and Logic Design

Electromechanical Energy Conversion & Transformers (EE 162)

You will first sweat through transformers before the course finishes you with electromechanical energy conversion. You’ll get to know everything about the transformer: from principle of operation to construction to the types. When I say everything, I mean everything. 

As if that’s not enough, you’ll study about  electromechanical conversion. Here, it’s about forces, torques and energy balance that are involved in equipments converting electrical energy to mechanical energy or its vice versa.

Applied Thermodynamics I (ME 166)

You’ll learn about the love triangle between work, heat and energy. It is important because engineering systems usually convert energies into work and produces heat in the process. As an engineer, you have to know the dynamics and what factors to control in order for systems to work exactly in the designed manner.

  •  Introduction to Thermodynamics
  • First Law Of Thermodynamics
  • Second Law Of Thermodynamics
  • Properties Of Liquids And Vapours
  • Vapour Power Cycles: Rankine Cycle

Intro to IT (COE 158)

Information Technology is the first introductory course which skews towards the computer aspect of engineering. 

You’ll learn about 

  • Number Systems and how they’re used to encode information
  • Computers, the components and their functions.
  • Memory and storage devices 
  • Operating systems
  • Matlab software

Communication Skills II (ENGL 158)

This is a continuation of the first semester’s version. Since it will be the last kind of english course for your stay, comm.  skills II will be advanced. That’s where public speaking and CV writing skills are taught.



First Semester 



Electrical Services Design

Power Generation and Supply


Linear Electronic Circuits


Classical Control Systems 

Numerical Analysis


Probability and Statistics


Analog Communication Systems 

Second Semester 

Digital Communications System

Substation and Transmission Line Design

Power System Analysis 

Digital Control System

Power Electronics

Switching Engineering



High Voltage

Digital Computer Design